Educator Survey – Sound Off Online

Sound Off with the Home Fire Safety PatrolTHANK YOU for taking a few minutes to provide input on our plans for the Sound Off interactive online platform. We are designing this new tool to make Sound Off available to more grade 2-3 classrooms by connecting teachers and local firefighters through a simple website where they can collaborate, ask questions, and share information. Please read about our plans below and respond to each question. When you have completed the questionnaire, click the SUBMIT button at the bottom.


    A Platform Tailored for Teachers
    Any grade 2-3 teacher will be able to use the Sound Off Online platform by signing up for a free account. The platform will provide a dashboard where teachers can type in their contact information, track class progress through the program's three activities, access additional Sound Off materials and digital resources; and help connect local fire departments with families that need free smoke alarms.

  • A Link to Local Fire Departments
    Fire Departments will also have Sound Off Online accounts to maintain contact with and assist teachers presenting the program in their area. They will be able to partner with teachers virtually through online meeting apps like Zoom and help teachers conduct pre/post student assessments to measure the program's educational effectiveness. Most importantly, Sound Off Online will provide a channel for firefighters to work one-on-one with teachers to connect with families that have home fire safety questions or need free smoke alarms.

  • A Safety Resource for Families
    We believe that Sound Off Online will make it easier for families to participate in the program, as well. For example, they might use the platform to complete take-home activities with their child online or to request free smoke alarms from local firefighters. To help teachers prompt family participation, we plan to create a PDF invitation that can be sent home by email and posted on the class webpage. This invitation will describe the program and provide a sign-up link families can use if they wish to participate.