Lesson Plans

Think Cool: Programs to Explore Food Options, Nutrition, and Sustainability

Grades: Grades 3-12

Subject Area: Family & Consumer Sciences, Health, Math, Language Arts

Made Possible By: National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association

Encourage your students to become healthy consumers with standards-based activities that has them discover diverse food options, learn portioning and meal planning, expand their food choices, and help reduce food waste. Five programs offer a variety of lessons in nutrition, math, mealtime economics, and the sustainability of our planet.


Your opinion is important to our program sponsors, and to YMI. We depend on your input to continue providing free educational resources that make a real difference in the classroom.

Mealtime Economics<br>Grades 9-12
Mealtime Economics
Grades 9-12
Check Out What’s Chilling<br>Grades 3-8
Check Out What’s Chilling
Grades 3-8
Think Cool<br>Grades 3-8
Think Cool
Grades 3-8
No Taste for Food Waste<br>Grades 6-12
No Taste for Food Waste
Grades 6-12
Chopped: Cool Food for Kids Challenge<br>Grades 6-12
Chopped: Cool Food for Kids Challenge
Grades 6-12
NFRA website
NFRA website
Easy Home Meals website
Easy Home Meals website