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Every student in your classroom deserves an equal chance to try, fail, and succeed. While our education system reinforces the same inequalities it was designed to overcome, responding to the level of diversity in your classroom is more important than ever, and can be very effective Promoting equity helps remove barriers so all of your…
Read MoreAs schools across the country prepare to accommodate more in-person learning, many are integrating a hybrid schedule that divides students into two groups that will alternate days on campus to keep numbers lower in the classroom and allow for social distancing. There are various ways in which teachers can choose to set up their week…
Read MoreMath anxiety is a real thing, and a lot of students dread heading to math class. Most of the time, the subject is approached and taught in a very black and white way so when students don’t understand it, they feel discouraged. When they are unable to do math or think through the lesson plan,…
Read MoreAll of us, at some point in our lives, no matter how much we loved school, have sat through a boring class and stared out the window or at the wall, counting the minutes until class was released. Being a teacher is one of the worst things to notice from your class. It can be…
Read MoreNo matter what content or subject you are teaching, having a lesson plan prepared not only helps in guiding your day, but provides structure to you and your students! Your lesson plans can be as complex and lengthy or as short and sweet as you want, but no matter which route you choose to go,…
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